Actividades únicas en Sintra

Actividades únicas en Sintra

Reservá actividades inolvidables en Airbnb organizadas por personas del lugar.

Actividades con las mejores calificaciones

Tour en jeep por Sintra: el original
—//— All aboard the ONE & ONLY, the REAL Sintra Jeep Safari. Don't settle with copycats. Support original ideas and true entrepreneurship. —//— Want to “squeeze all the juice” out of Sintra? Climb aboard one of our vintage Portuguese 4x4s and in just one day you’ll explore the mysterious Quinta da Regaleira, eat a traditional Portuguese lunch (with wine, of course), cruise off-road through Sintra’s lush forests, and emerge at the seaside cliffs of mainland Europe’s westernmost point, Cabo da Roca. This is our most popular journey for a good reason! Our restored ex-military 4WDs look cool as hell, sure, but they’re also the best way to tackle the terrain west of Lisbon, passing from hilltop castles to the sheer coastline. We take you to secret lookouts and hidden beaches no other tourists can reach, blasting music the whole time. In summer, we bounce along off-road tracks with the roof off. In the cooler months we splash through puddles of mud as we swerve through the forests. We are all about the journey, not just the destinations. This is why we love to go off-road, snap Polaroid pictures at the coast, play epic tunes all day long and give you the chance to taste Sintra’s traditional sweet pastry and Port wine. We want you to finish your day feeling like you really know the place.
Sintra Historical Jeep Adventure
Nos encontramos en mi tienda en la Estación de Tren de Sintra. ¿Listo para una visión local del mejor pueblo de Portugal? ¡Súbete a mi jeep 4x4 portugués clásico para nuestra primera parada: Quinta da Regaleira, donde tendrás la oportunidad y el tiempo de explorar esta magnífica propiedad, desde el famoso pozo hasta sus jardines únicos! Próxima parada: el punto más occidental de Europa, Cabo da Roca, donde la inmensidad del océano chocando con la tierra forma un hermoso acantilado con impresionantes vistas. Después del almuerzo (normalmente en un restaurante local) y muchos puntos de vista no turísticos (para contemplar las vistas icónicas), nos dirigimos a la joya de Sintra: ¡Palacio de Pena para que explores este palacio de cuento de hadas mundialmente famoso! Antes de terminar nuestra experiencia, una degustación de tres vinos diferentes, en una tienda de vinos local;) ¡También tenemos diferentes opciones disponibles, Privadas para una experiencia personalizada, recorridos en grupos grandes o eventos de formación de equipos! También disponible: Mini-Van de 8 plazas O minibús de 25 plazas a pedido Hable con nosotros: ¡Somos muy flexibles y organizaremos la mejor opción para su experiencia en Sintra! ¿Vamos? * Entradas (entradas) no incluidas ** Alimentos no incluidos *** mín. edad requirida 7 años
Ruta al atardecer, tapas y vino en una playa secreta: la original
—//— All aboard the ONE & ONLY, the REAL Sunset Hike to Ursa. Don't settle with copycats. Support original ideas and true entrepreneurship. —//— In one afternoon you can enjoy the best of Portugal’s stunning coastline, taste local Portuguese food and wine and go off-road in Sintra’s mysterious forests. Join us to watch the sun set into the sea with sand between your toes, salty hair and wine in one hand. We’ll pick you up in one of our legendary convertible jeeps and take a brief look at Sintra’s best sights and palaces before hitting our favorite forest tracks. These off-road, unmarked trails pop out at the westernmost point of Europe, Cabo da Roca. Our secret beach is a short hike away. The dirt trail twists along a steep route but it takes only 30 minutes to get down to the sand. Bring proper shoes for this part! Flip flops/thongs/jandals/foot wedgies won’t make the cut. Once we reach the soft, golden sand – just relax. We’ll set up a picnic spread of traditional Portuguese “petiscos” (our word for tapas) stacked full of cheese, chouriço (chorizo), bread and other snacks. You can swim in the salty ocean, kick a ball on the sand, or just sit back with a few glasses of local wine. You might have 99 problems, but a beach ain’t one. It can be challenging at some points. For safety reasons this experience may be canceled due to weather Your driver hosts in English.
Taller de fotografía del siglo XIX
This experience is designed to make you time-travel back to the early ages of photography. You’ll have your portrait made through one of the oldest photography processes: wet plate collodion and will have the chance to experience the whole process of development. This immersive experience will be held at FIVE HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO, which itself is equipped with antique cameras, and furniture, alongside some literature on 19th century Photography, all for your edification. The Studio’s expertise lies in the use of 19th century photography technique Wet Plate Collodion, invented by Frederick Scott Archer in 1851. This particular technique creates unique images, reminiscent of a distant past. You will have the chance to choose the material in which the portrait will be made - clear glass or aluminium- and choose from one of 3 different sizes. Some 19th century clothes and props will be available for the portrait session. In addition to being an extremely interesting process, you will have the opportunity to follow the hosts to the laboratory/dark-room to experience/see the whole development process. Your portrait will be ready to be delivered in 60 minutes. Other things to note By default the price includes an aluminum plate in the smallest size. If the guest want a different size or material, the difference should be paid at the studio.
El castillo de cuento de Sintra y la playa de Cascais
ESTO ES LO QUE DEBE HACER CON LOCALES REALES, si desea encontrar el patrimonio mundial histórico, natural y cultural de la Unesco de Sintra y Cascais. Esta aventura, tiene secretos y sorpresas, rincones mágicos y románticos, que iremos descubriendo a través de los ojos de lugareños y artistas. Veremos todos los sitios que Sintra tiene para ofrecer, como el Palacio de Pena, el Castillo de los Moros, el Palacio Nacional, el Estado de Regaleira y el Palacio de Monserrate. La recogida será en la ESTACIÓN DE TREN DE PORTELA DE SINTRA a las 9:30 a.m. Esta experiencia comienza con una increíble visita turística hasta la cima de la montaña, donde puede visitar el Palacio de Pena y el fantástico parque natural de Pena, ¡donde podemos mostrarle más por menos! Luego una auténtica comida en un restaurante solo conocido por los lugareños. Regaleira State la próxima visita es un lugar único, místico e icónico donde vas en el BIEN. A través del paisaje de las montañas de Sintra, verá el Palacio de Monserrate en el exterior, camino al punto más occidental de Europa, el Cabo da Roca.   Siempre a lo largo de la increíble costa, nos detendremos en la playa de Guincho, famosa por el surf, conduciendo hasta CASCAIS, conocida como "La Riviera portuguesa", donde podrá explorar la ciudad y tomar el tren de regreso a Lisboa. ¡Tendremos algunas sorpresas durante el día! DIFERENTE ESTACIÓN DE TREN ENTRADAS Y ALMUERZO NO INCLUIDOS Otros aspectos destacables -Recogida y devolución disponible en Sintra / Cascais -El almuerzo y los boletos no están incluidos. -somos flexibles -No se preocupe por las líneas para comprar boletos, tenemos prioridad como guías. -Tours en inglés, español y portugués.

Descubrí la magia del bosque

Découvrir la Serra à pieds
Nous marcherons le long de quelques sentiers peu visités dans les montagnes de Sintra. Nous commencerons par la place de Capela de Santo António, au Penedo, un village au sommet de la Serra. Nous marcherons vers un lagon caché dans la forêt que peu de gens connaissent. Sur notre sentier, nous trouverons plusieurs points de vue avec une vue imprenable, nous verrons les arbres caractéristiques de la forêt, ainsi que le bruit des animaux qui les habitent. Nous profiterons de certains arrêts pendant la visite pour déguster un thé et un gâteau que j'emporterai avec nous. Au cours de notre expérience nous privilégierons le contact avec la nature et la convivialité.
Sintra Off Road - Naturaleza - todo incluido
Recogida en Sintra, según reserva. Recorrido a pie por el centro del pueblo con una degustación sorpresa de comida. Visite una de las costas más bellas de Europa, donde la montaña de Sintra se encuentra con el mar, el hermoso Cabo da Roca (¡el punto más occidental de Europa continental!). Dejémonos llevar por muchos paisajes, desde dunas del desierto, increíbles playas y acantilados de montaña, a lo largo de la costa de Cascais y Estoril veremos el Casino Estoril, el casino más antiguo de Europa y de donde se inspiró el famoso James Bond. Ven y compruébalo por ti mismo, no te presentaremos nada más que la típica hospitalidad portuguesa.
Las maravillas de Sintra y el mar
Este emocionante recorrido combina el encanto del pueblo de Sintra con la belleza del océano en un día lleno de aventuras y descubrimientos. Sube a nuestro jeep 4x4 y prepárate para explorar los secretos de Sintra, empezando por Quinta da Regaleira, un lugar lleno de misterios y simbolismo. Disfruta de una aventura emocionante a través de la cordillera de Sintra, explorando paisajes, miradores y lugares secretos ocultos. Ahora te preguntas: «¿Cómo vuelvo a Lisboa?« ¡Relájate y déjanos hacer la magia! Imagínate a bordo de un espléndido velero, que atraviesa el magnífico puerto deportivo de Cascais, mientras disfrutas de la costa hasta Lisboa. Seguirás los pasos de los legendarios marineros portugueses de la Era de los Descubrimientos. Admira los famosos monumentos portugueses como la Torre de Belém, el puente del 25 de abril y el Cristo Rei. Esta experiencia única aumentará todos tus sentidos, combinando la magia de Sintra con la serenidad del océano, volverás a casa con recuerdos inolvidables y un corazón lleno de alegría.
Electric Mountain Bike in Sintra Cascais Natural Park
You will allow to experience some real Electric Mountain bike in Sintra Cascais natural park. Awesome trails, fresh woods, rocky cliffs, hidden beaches, wildlife, beautiful monuments and incredible mountain sightseeing to the Blue Atlantic. What about a bike ride? Charging up a hill, power, force, control... Sprinting... Flying downhill... The breeze, the smell of the forest and the sea, the sound of nature, the healing views... We can immerse you into Sintra`s forest and ride along the Atlantic Ocean. Whatever your mood and feelings, that day we will adjust the level and scenery to suit you best. The silence and mysticism of this mountain will surely conquer you. I will take you on a bike adventure where as you move further into the woods I will show you some of mother nature`s greatest gifts. You will get to know the best locations of Sintra-Cascais natural park, High and above the sea my goal is to make your mountain bike experience one to remember! Other things to note We will adjust the activity to your level and experience, so you can take out the most of it. FROM LOCALS TO YOU!
Running in Sintra-Cascais with MacGyver
We will run in nature in some of the most classic trails of Sintra Cascais natural park. The adventure will be in coastal paths with an incredible view over the Atlantic ocean. We will meet you at our base in Charneca, Cascais and we start the trail running experience from there. We have the best trail run for you. This fun and unique activity will be fo any levels of experience. Either if is raining or sunny my goal is to make your trail running experience one to remember! - LOCALLY SOURCED - Other things to note We will adjust the trail running activity to your level and experience, so you can take out the most of it.

Todas las actividades cerca de Sintra

Sintra & wine tasting w/ pick up Lisbon
-Day starts with a 35min aprox dirve to arrive to Sintra's historic centre. - Discover the colourful streets of Sintra while hearing fantastic stories about its history and tasting its delightful pastry. - After, we will enter a place that will make you feel in wonderland: Palace of Quinta da Regaleira. A place full of magic, romantic architecture and beautiful gardens. You will walk through its caves before you get to know the famous 27 meter iniciatic well and the stories behind it. - Embark on a beautiful drive where you will encounter the picturesque and hidden towns of Colares and Penedo. We will stop in the oldest cooperative winery in Portugal to know its story and to try the most rare type of wine, the Colares wine, which grows in sand! - Stop for lunch in a beachfront portuguese restaurant, far away from crowds. - Explore the impressive coastline through secret places only we know. - End the day with the most colourful and magnificent palace in Sintra: the Pena Palace. A national monument that constitutes one of the major expressions of 19th-century Romanticism in the world. - Drive back to Lisbon Obs: Strategic pick up location, 5 - 15 minutes walking distance from main areas Hard Rock Cafe Av. da Liberdade 2, 1250-144 Lisboa Entrance fees to the palaces and lunch are not included Sundays: Wine tasting in restaurant, winery closed
Tour en jeep por Sintra: el original
—//— All aboard the ONE & ONLY, the REAL Sintra Jeep Safari. Don't settle with copycats. Support original ideas and true entrepreneurship. —//— Want to “squeeze all the juice” out of Sintra? Climb aboard one of our vintage Portuguese 4x4s and in just one day you’ll explore the mysterious Quinta da Regaleira, eat a traditional Portuguese lunch (with wine, of course), cruise off-road through Sintra’s lush forests, and emerge at the seaside cliffs of mainland Europe’s westernmost point, Cabo da Roca. This is our most popular journey for a good reason! Our restored ex-military 4WDs look cool as hell, sure, but they’re also the best way to tackle the terrain west of Lisbon, passing from hilltop castles to the sheer coastline. We take you to secret lookouts and hidden beaches no other tourists can reach, blasting music the whole time. In summer, we bounce along off-road tracks with the roof off. In the cooler months we splash through puddles of mud as we swerve through the forests. We are all about the journey, not just the destinations. This is why we love to go off-road, snap Polaroid pictures at the coast, play epic tunes all day long and give you the chance to taste Sintra’s traditional sweet pastry and Port wine. We want you to finish your day feeling like you really know the place.
Recorrido gastronómico vintage por el campo
Welcome to the family! You will be part of unique moments aboard an astonishing classic car. The first stop will be a lookout viewpoint at a ruin of an extinct volcano surrounded by vineyards. The adventure will proceed with the gastronomic experience at the typical rustic village providing regional products, an organic, homemade picnic, enjoying the cosy atmosphere, the sounds of the village animals, the aromas and flavours of our delicacies, all accompanied by the unique landscape that the rural side has to offer. We will pass by the emblematic Mafra Palace and continue with a relaxed walk at Ericeira, an old fishing village and world surf reserve. Finally we will taste a traditional sweet appreciating the unforgettable views of the Atlantic coast. As a public experience, there is the possibility to other people join you. The Citroen 2cv capacity is 4 including the driver so we will drive the VW classic van for bigger groups. We can drive both cars if necessary. JUST FOR PRIVATE GROUP - (ADD ON) Extra to our routes, you have the possibility to be part of traditional moments at the houses of our friends and partners: -Family Feast w/ our family, roasted pig (60€ pp) -Local Wine Tasting (35€ pp) -Ceramic Session (30€ pp) Please let us know if you want to add on some of these extras We are @ Agorasim .pt Countryside Experiences and Events.
Sintra Historical Jeep Adventure
Nos encontramos en mi tienda en la Estación de Tren de Sintra. ¿Listo para una visión local del mejor pueblo de Portugal? ¡Súbete a mi jeep 4x4 portugués clásico para nuestra primera parada: Quinta da Regaleira, donde tendrás la oportunidad y el tiempo de explorar esta magnífica propiedad, desde el famoso pozo hasta sus jardines únicos! Próxima parada: el punto más occidental de Europa, Cabo da Roca, donde la inmensidad del océano chocando con la tierra forma un hermoso acantilado con impresionantes vistas. Después del almuerzo (normalmente en un restaurante local) y muchos puntos de vista no turísticos (para contemplar las vistas icónicas), nos dirigimos a la joya de Sintra: ¡Palacio de Pena para que explores este palacio de cuento de hadas mundialmente famoso! Antes de terminar nuestra experiencia, una degustación de tres vinos diferentes, en una tienda de vinos local;) ¡También tenemos diferentes opciones disponibles, Privadas para una experiencia personalizada, recorridos en grupos grandes o eventos de formación de equipos! También disponible: Mini-Van de 8 plazas O minibús de 25 plazas a pedido Hable con nosotros: ¡Somos muy flexibles y organizaremos la mejor opción para su experiencia en Sintra! ¿Vamos? * Entradas (entradas) no incluidas ** Alimentos no incluidos *** mín. edad requirida 7 años
Ruta al atardecer, tapas y vino en una playa secreta: la original
—//— All aboard the ONE & ONLY, the REAL Sunset Hike to Ursa. Don't settle with copycats. Support original ideas and true entrepreneurship. —//— In one afternoon you can enjoy the best of Portugal’s stunning coastline, taste local Portuguese food and wine and go off-road in Sintra’s mysterious forests. Join us to watch the sun set into the sea with sand between your toes, salty hair and wine in one hand. We’ll pick you up in one of our legendary convertible jeeps and take a brief look at Sintra’s best sights and palaces before hitting our favorite forest tracks. These off-road, unmarked trails pop out at the westernmost point of Europe, Cabo da Roca. Our secret beach is a short hike away. The dirt trail twists along a steep route but it takes only 30 minutes to get down to the sand. Bring proper shoes for this part! Flip flops/thongs/jandals/foot wedgies won’t make the cut. Once we reach the soft, golden sand – just relax. We’ll set up a picnic spread of traditional Portuguese “petiscos” (our word for tapas) stacked full of cheese, chouriço (chorizo), bread and other snacks. You can swim in the salty ocean, kick a ball on the sand, or just sit back with a few glasses of local wine. You might have 99 problems, but a beach ain’t one. It can be challenging at some points. For safety reasons this experience may be canceled due to weather Your driver hosts in English.
Taller de fotografía del siglo XIX
This experience is designed to make you time-travel back to the early ages of photography. You’ll have your portrait made through one of the oldest photography processes: wet plate collodion and will have the chance to experience the whole process of development. This immersive experience will be held at FIVE HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO, which itself is equipped with antique cameras, and furniture, alongside some literature on 19th century Photography, all for your edification. The Studio’s expertise lies in the use of 19th century photography technique Wet Plate Collodion, invented by Frederick Scott Archer in 1851. This particular technique creates unique images, reminiscent of a distant past. You will have the chance to choose the material in which the portrait will be made - clear glass or aluminium- and choose from one of 3 different sizes. Some 19th century clothes and props will be available for the portrait session. In addition to being an extremely interesting process, you will have the opportunity to follow the hosts to the laboratory/dark-room to experience/see the whole development process. Your portrait will be ready to be delivered in 60 minutes. Other things to note By default the price includes an aluminum plate in the smallest size. If the guest want a different size or material, the difference should be paid at the studio.
El tour más completo desde Sintra - Cabo da Roca, día completo
¡Prepárate para una aventura única en Sintra que despertará todos tus sentidos! Nuestro equipo de guías locales experimentados está listo para revelar los secretos mejor guardados de este romántico pueblo de una manera verdaderamente especial. Imagínate explorando lugares impresionantes, miradores con impresionantes vistas y monumentos llenos de historia. Tendrás la oportunidad de degustar los sabores únicos de los dulces locales y, lo más importante, conocer a las personas que dan vida a este mágico pueblo, escuchando sus historias y descubriendo su mística. Pero la verdadera magia sucede al final del día cuando te das cuenta de que esto no es solo una visita, sino una experiencia que quedará grabada en tu memoria para siempre. Lleva contigo los recuerdos de Sintra, el inolvidable pueblo romántico que te hará soñar con volver y revivir este encanto una y otra vez. ¡Reserva ahora y déjanos mostrarte Sintra como nunca antes! *Deberías comprar entradas para el Palacio de la Pena, no te preocupes, ¡te ayudaremos en el proceso! **Ten en cuenta que la visita al interior de los palacios es autoguiada. Si deseas que alguien te acompañe durante la visita, avísanos para que podamos organizarlo por un coste adicional. En todos los demás lugares, nuestro guía estará contigo, mostrándote todos los puntos de interés y proporcionando el contexto histórico de cada rincón de este pueblo.
Tour en jeep al Palacio da Pena: el original
—//— All aboard the ONE & ONLY, the REAL Pena Palace Jeep Safari. Don't settle with copycats. Support original ideas and true entrepreneurship. —//— Imagine kings and queens in mountain-top palaces, a kaleidoscope of bright colours. Magical forests filled with fairies, hidden treasure, or even ghosts. Our hometown, Sintra, is a region filled with real life castles and mysterious legends. Join us to explore this UNESCO World Heritage town known for its romantic architecture and landscaping. We’ll start the day with a visit to the magical Pena Palace, the red-and-yellow Disney-like castle that sits atop Sintra’s second highest peak. Next stop, lunch at a traditional Portuguese restaurant in a small village. Think fresh fish or tasty meat on the wood-fired grill and plenty of wine! After lunch we visit the 12th century Peninha Sanctuary. From here you’ll take in 360-degree views of the forest, the Atlantic Ocean, Lisbon, Sintra and Cascais. As we cruise around in one of our convertible jeeps we will take you off-road to epic lookouts and secret spots other visitors can’t reach. Snap Polaroid pictures at the coast, play epic tunes all day long and give you the chance to taste Sintra’s traditional sweet pastry and Port wine. We will exclusively cover the terraces, chapel, and gardens.
El castillo de cuento de Sintra y la playa de Cascais
ESTO ES LO QUE DEBE HACER CON LOCALES REALES, si desea encontrar el patrimonio mundial histórico, natural y cultural de la Unesco de Sintra y Cascais. Esta aventura, tiene secretos y sorpresas, rincones mágicos y románticos, que iremos descubriendo a través de los ojos de lugareños y artistas. Veremos todos los sitios que Sintra tiene para ofrecer, como el Palacio de Pena, el Castillo de los Moros, el Palacio Nacional, el Estado de Regaleira y el Palacio de Monserrate. La recogida será en la ESTACIÓN DE TREN DE PORTELA DE SINTRA a las 9:30 a.m. Esta experiencia comienza con una increíble visita turística hasta la cima de la montaña, donde puede visitar el Palacio de Pena y el fantástico parque natural de Pena, ¡donde podemos mostrarle más por menos! Luego una auténtica comida en un restaurante solo conocido por los lugareños. Regaleira State la próxima visita es un lugar único, místico e icónico donde vas en el BIEN. A través del paisaje de las montañas de Sintra, verá el Palacio de Monserrate en el exterior, camino al punto más occidental de Europa, el Cabo da Roca.   Siempre a lo largo de la increíble costa, nos detendremos en la playa de Guincho, famosa por el surf, conduciendo hasta CASCAIS, conocida como "La Riviera portuguesa", donde podrá explorar la ciudad y tomar el tren de regreso a Lisboa. ¡Tendremos algunas sorpresas durante el día! DIFERENTE ESTACIÓN DE TREN ENTRADAS Y ALMUERZO NO INCLUIDOS Otros aspectos destacables -Recogida y devolución disponible en Sintra / Cascais -El almuerzo y los boletos no están incluidos. -somos flexibles -No se preocupe por las líneas para comprar boletos, tenemos prioridad como guías. -Tours en inglés, español y portugués.
Guided Tour in Quinta da Regaleira <> The Treasure of Sintra
--> MOST LEGENDARY TOUR IN QUINTA DA REGALEIRA <-- * GREAT FOR FAMILIES TOO! * Olá Everyone! We´re super excited to share with you the best and least boring Guided Tour you´ve ever been on :) This Experience is for those who want to explore Sintra by themselves but look for some good insights and appreciate an Epic Guided Tour inside the most intricate Monument in Portugal - Quinta da Regaleira and the Great Initiation Well! Let yourself go in this fun morning with locals! Get ready to immerse in the cool vibes of this Masonic Temple and you´ll see that almost 2 hours will fly like nothing... We spend more time in this Monument than in our own homes, but we don´t get tired of sharing it with our guests even after doing it over a 1000 times :D Get lost in this 97 exotic species Botanical Garden, to explore underground tunnels & Caves, Waterfalls and to get to know one of the most interesting stories about the most excentric man Portugal has seen in the last centuries - António Monteiro. Join us in this awesome visit and we can only garantee that this will be one of your favourite guided tours in your stay in Lisbon, as you can read in the reviews :)
Festín familiar estilo vintage en el campo
Welcome to the family! Our purpose is to take you away from the hustle and bustle of the city center and take you right into a fairy tale. We will pick you up with a classic car and drive to the Countryside area where we grew up. First we will visit a traditional village to let you know about the area, and tell you the information that passed through generations and you can't find online. Then, we will continue to our family house to initiate the private feast , as a family member we may ask your extra hand to help with the preparation. You will be in a cosy home environment with the portuguese music on. There you don't have to worry about the timetable, it is the moment to create memories, good relationships and to be focused with all the attention on the flavours. Our family speciality is the roasted pig in the wooden oven, but we can also prepare grilled sardines, codfish or vegetarian meals. We work with seasonal products and what the land has to offer. This day will certainly create good memories around the table. The Citroen 2cv capacity is 4 including the driver, so we will drive the Volkswagen T3 classic van for groups up to 8. For bigger groups we can combine both cars at the same. Drop off is included We are @ Agorasim . pt Countryside Experiences and Events
Experiencia con vinos naturales portugueses
Tendrás la oportunidad de probar auténticos vinos portugueses con identidad de su origen, hechos en un enfoque natural y artesanal, con talento y ética de pequeños y medianos productores que se preocupan por su terraza y respeto por la diversidad. Las degustaciones van acompañadas de tapas (tabla grande llena de queso, carnes, mermelada, pan, aceite de oliva y lata de pescado) Cata de 6 vinos de 6 regiones diferentes. Reds, White, Rose, Orange, Pet nat y clarets.
Sintra Tours in Portuguese Classic Jeeps
Experience the full spectrum of Sintra's beauty with our Full Day Tour. This comprehensive journey takes you through the enchanting landscapes of the Sintra and Cascais Natural Park, followed by an exploration of the captivating Sintra coastline. In the morning, our adventure kicks off with the opportunity to explore one of Sintra's iconic monuments from the inside. We often recommend the mystical Quinta da Regaleira, where you can immerse yourself in its fascinating history and architecture. However, even if we only admire the other monuments from the outside, you won't miss a thing, as our guides provide detailed narratives about each, ensuring you grasp the essence of their stories. During your tour, you'll also savor a delightful taste of Sintra in the form of a typical local treat, which adds a touch of culinary delight to your day. For lunch, the choice is yours – indulge in traditional Portuguese cuisine in the heart of the historic center or choose a restaurant with panoramic views of the sea, where the waves and flavors of the coast merge harmoniously. The adventure reaches its pinnacle in the afternoon, where we unveil Sintra's hidden coastal treasures. Venturing off the beaten path, we take you to secret spots that only our experienced guides know. From dramatic cliffs to secluded beaches, you'll discover the untamed beauty of the Sintra coastline.
Al paso, al trote… ¡al galope!
Experiência Equestre de acordo com o nível . Inclui sempre limpar e preparar o Cavalo e uma aula prática de acordo experiência. Após a aula prática, terá a oportunidade de aprender a tratar do seu cavalo até ao momento em que ele volta para casa, para que possa viver uma experiência completa com estes imponentes animais. Outras observações Os visitantes terão de organizar o seu próprio transporte, trazer roupa confortável e sapatos fechados.
Sintra y Cascaes con recogida en el hotel incluida
Recogida en el punto de encuentro elegido a las 09h. Salida hacia Sintra para una primera parada en el Palacio de Pena, del siglo XIX, este Palacio es el mejor ejemplo del romanticismo portugués en todo su esplendor. (Visita de 1 hora - visita autoguiada) - Veremos algunos lugares desconocidos en el camino, Sintra está llena de casas con encanto, palacios, chalets, y algunos son muy únicos y exóticos. - Quinta da Regaleira, de principios del siglo XX, este lugar te transporta a una historia llena de simbología y misticismo con cuevas y pozo iniciático. (Visita de 1 hora) o -Palacio Monserrate, el jardín más diversificado que verás en Portugal, y también un fabuloso palacio de estilo oriental del siglo XIX, con elementos revivalistas, arquitectura morisca con neogótico. (Visita de 1 hora) (Después de la explicación sobre los detalles históricos y la orientación para la visita al interior, podemos saltarnos la fila para comprar las entradas evitando las largas colas) (Parada para almorzar) 1 hora Costa de Sintra: Mirador Azenhas do Mar, Playa Maçãs, Playa Adraga o Aguda, cada recorrido será diferente y mostraremos algunas de estas Playas. Cabo da Roca, el punto más occidental de Europa, es un Mirador sobre el Océano Atlántico. (deténgase durante 15/20 minutos) Continúe desde la montaña hasta el lado del mar, conduciendo a lo largo de la costa hasta la ciudad de Cascais. (parada 20/30 minutos) Tour a pie gratuito Regreso al punto de encuentro Regreso a las 17h. Otras cosas a tener en cuenta Recoger y dejar en uno de los puntos de encuentro en Lisboa, Cascais, Sintra o Ericeira; Las entradas para comidas y monumentos no están incluidas; Acceso rápido para comprar entradas para monumentos.
  1. Airbnb
  2. Portugal
  3. Sintra Region